Hvað ætli leikmenn setji á fóninn rétt fyrir leik?
Við fengum leikmann Grindavíkur, Whitney Frazier, til þess að ljóstra upp fyrir okkur hvaða lög það væru sem hlustað væri á til þess að koma sér í gírinn.
Grindavík mætir Snæfell kl. 14:00 í Laugardalshöllinni í úrslitum Powerade bikarkeppninnar og er leikurinn í beinni útsendingu á RÚV.
Makes me feel like im a beast myself before i play.
Because I love Future and this joint just relaxes me and gets me in the zone.
Future – Fly Shit Only
It has a nice beat to it thatll make you bob your head while you warm up.
I always feel invincible.
Future – March Madness
Its simple my favorite future song and playing ball i love when march madness approches
Drake & Future – Jumpman
These two together was genius and who dont love Jumpman this song is so legit.
Travis Scott – Antidote
Has a nice flow to it that gets me ready
J.Cole – No Role MOdelz
Drake – Summer Sixteen
Drake just knows how to make you feel good before you play.
It just motivates me to keep going.