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Gælunöfn í NBA

 The Dream. Hakeem Olajuwon

Margir hafa þeir leikmenninir haft gælunöfn í NBA deildinni. The Oak, The Kid, Big Smooth og svo framvegis. birtir hér með lista yfir þá leikmenn sem síðan fann sem hafa frægustu gælunöfnin í NBA











Abdur-Rahim, Shareef Reef
Allen, Ray  Jesus Shuttlesworth
Anderson, Kenny The Kid
Augmon, Stacey Plastic Man


Baker, Vin A-Train
Barkley, Charles Sir Charles
Barry, Brent Bones
Bird, Larry Larry Legend
Blaylock, Daron Mookie
Brandon, Terrell Tee Bee


Campbell, Ed Easy Ed
Carr, Antoine Big Dog
Carter, Vince Air Canada, Vinsanity
Cassell Sam Sam I Am
Coleman, Derrick DC
Coles, Vernell Bimbo
Croshere, Austin Austin Powers
D Davis, Dale D Square
Davis, Emanuel E-Mail
Douglas, Sherman Sherminator
E Ellis, LaPhonso The Fonz
Erving, Julius Dr. J
F Frazier, Walt Clyde
Fulkes, Joe Jumpin' Joe
G Garnett, Kevin The Kid, KG
Gatling, Chris The Energizer
Goldwire, Anthony Goldie
Gugliotta, Tom Googs


Hamilton, Richard Rip
Hardaway, Anfernee Penny
Hardaway, Tim Tim Bug
Harpring, Matt Harp
Hawkins, Hersey Hawk
I Iverson, Allen The Answer
J Jackson, Jimmy J J 
Johnson, Larry Grandma
Jordan, Michael Air, MJ
K Kemp, Shawn The Reignman
Kidd, Jason The Whiz Kidd
Kukoc, Toni Croatian Sensation
L Langdon, Trajan Alaskan Assassin
Lauderdale, Priest Super Fly
M Madsen, Mark Mad Dog
Majerle, Dan Thunder Dan
Malone, Karl The Mailman
Marbury, Stephon Starbury
Mashburn, Jamal Monster Mash
Mason, Anthony Mace
Maxwell, Vernon Mad Max
McDyess, Antonio Ice
McGrady, Tracy T-Mac
Miller; Oliver Pig
Mobley, Cuttino Cat
Mourning, Alonzo Zo
Mutombo, Dikembe Air Zaire
N Nesterovic, Radoslav Rasho
Newman, Johnny J-New
O Oakley, Charles Oak
Olajuwon, Hakeem The Dream
Olowokandi, Michael Kandi Man
O'Neal, Shaquille Shaq, Shaq Fu, Big Aristotle
Outlaw, Charles Bo
Owens, Billy Billy O
P Pack, Robert Pac Man
Parish, Robert Chief
Payton, Gary The Glove
Perkins, Sam Big Smooth
Peterson, Morris Mo Pete
Pippen, Scottie Pip
Pollard, Scott The Butcher
Polynice, Olden O.P.
Potapenko, Vitaly Ukraine Train
R Reeves, Bryant Big Country (Big Continent)
Rider, Isaiah J.R.
Robertson, Oscar Big O
Robinson, David The Admiral
Robinson, Glen Big Dog
Rogers, Carlos Los
S Sabonis, Arvydas Sabas
Sprewell, Latrell Spree
Stackhouse, Jerry Stack
Stojakovic, Pedrag Peja
Stoudamire, Damon Mighty Mouse
Swift, Stromile Stro
Szczerbiak, Wally Wally World
T Thomas, Tim Dog
Thorpe, Otis O.T.
Traylor, Robert Tractor
Tsakalidis, Lakovos Big Jake
V Van Exel, Nick Nick The Quick
W Wallace, Ben The Beast
Wallace, Rasheed Sheed
Weatherspoon, Clarence Spoon
Webber, Chris C-Webb
West, Jerry Mr. Clutch
Wilkins, Dominique Human Highlight Film
Williams, Jason White Chocolate
Williams, Jerome Junk Yard Dog
Williams, John Hot Rod
Williams, Walt Wizard
Williamson, Corliss Big Nasty
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