HomeFréttirVance Hall - Pepplistinn Minn

Vance Hall – Pepplistinn Minn


Hvað ætli leikmenn setji á fóninn rétt fyrir leik?


Við fengum leikmann Þórs úr Þorlákshöfn, Vance Hall, til þess að ljóstra upp fyrir okkur hvaða lög það væru sem hlustað væri á til þess að koma sér í gírinn.


Þór mætir KR kl. 16:30 í Laugardalshöllinni í úrslitum Powerade bikarkeppninnar og er leikurinn í beinni útsendingu á RÚV.





Bryson Tiller – Rambo
Bryson Tiller – 502 come up

These two songs are two of the main songs I listen to before games because Bryson tiller is a rapper from where I am from and it helps me get hype for the game and remember where I come from and what I've been through.

Drake – Big Rings
Drake – Jumpman

Drake has always been one of my favorite rappers so just about any of his music can get me going for a game.

Kendrick Lamar – Look out for Detox

This Kendrick Lamar song gets me hype I think just because of how aggressive he is in this rap. Helps me visualize being aggressive in the game and on attack mode

The Game – El Chapo

Like the song before I just feel the beat and lyrics to this song really help me get in an aggressive state of mind to attack when I'm in the game

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