Hvað ætli leikmenn setji á fóninn rétt fyrir leik?
Við fengum leikmann Keflavíkur, Jerome Hill, til þess að ljóstra upp fyrir okkur hvaða lög það væru sem hlustað væri á til þess að koma sér í gírinn.
Keflavík fær Tindastól í heimsókn í fyrsta leik 8 liða úrslita Dominos deildarinnar kl. 19:15 og er leikurinn í beinni útsendingu á Stöð 2 Sport.
Young Thug ft Rich Homie Quan – Lifestyle
I chose this as my first song because I have been through a lot to get where I am and they are basically telling you in the song that they did a lot to live this lifestyle.
Lucci – Woke Up (Boss)
This one I chose because the beat is really catchy and one day hopefully I can wake up like a BOSS, haha, that's my goal man. To go far and make as much money as I can in this game and take care of my family and give back to my community and win as many titles as I can.
Rich Homie Quan – Walk Thru
This song is one of my classics. I like it because sometimes I feel the man whenever I'm walking through a certain event or playing in a certain game where I'm doing great.
This one is unique as well this artist is making it very noticeable that they and once he say they he is saying everybody but they know he is basically the man and I love the Lil Wayne verse in this song as well.
Lucci – Documentary
This one speaks on my life this rapper speaks the truth in the song. He is telling his mother to be patient everything will be ok give him time and he will take care of her and that's the same with me I can relate to this one risking a lot to get where I am man.
Lucci – Who I do It For
Same scenario as the documentary song I do This for God, my family, my mother, my new born son that's on the way in April, my community & for the ones who can't do it, everybody always asking me who I do this for and questions that relate to this song.
Lucci – YFN
This is a catchy song as well I love the beat and the stuff he is rapping about.
Jamie XX ft Young Thug – I know there's gonna be good times
I love this song because if I stay down and stay true in what I believe one day I will see a lot of good times. Most of the songs I like or listen to relates to me and my life.
Marvin Sapp – Never Would've Made It
Without the man above I wouldn't have made t this far, another song that relates to me and my life and also I'm a very religious person and believe in everything the bible says, me being a Christian I know for a fact I'm here because of God. I'm not perfect but that's one thing I take very serious.
Lucci – In The Air
Another song that is really touching by my favorite artist. He is speaking on how he didn't have a penny last year and now he is like on the rise. I love the way he makes his music, you can hear in his voice he struggled but now he is on his way to greatness.