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Sigrún Ámundadóttir – Grindavík


Last home game of the season! We ready _x1f44a__x1f3fc__x1f4a5__x1f46d__x1f3c0_ #9 #3 #grindavik

A photo posted by Sigrún Ámundadóttir (@sigrunamunda) on


Kjartan Atli Kjartansson – Dominos Körfuboltakvöld


Í vinnunni. (C) Baldur Beck

A photo posted by @kjartansson4 on


Bryndís Hanna Hreinsdóttir – Stjarnan




It's Going Down… 8:30pm/et #NBAonABC!

A photo posted by NBA (@nba) on


Baldur Beck – Stöð 2 Sport / NBA Ísland


Ásgarður í gærkvöldi

A photo posted by Baldur Beck (@baldurbeck) on


Jón Ágúst Eyjólfsson – Þór Akureyri


Rúnar Ingi Erlingsson – Breiðablik


Esjan er flott úr Viðey _x1f44c__x1f3fd_#Iceland #NiceLittleSaturday

A photo posted by Rúnar Ingi Erlingsson (@gipsyking9) on


Gleðin við völd í kvöld…

A photo posted by @karfan_is on


Al´lonzo Coleman – Stjarnan


Had our first game of the playoffs last night. Long story short. My team lost by three and I was put in the position to tie the game with 2.4 secs left. Which I failed to do so… Some ppl have told me to have a short memory. I say I'll never forget what happened last night. Some ppl say to keep my head high. I say I never dropped it in the first place. Some ppl say we shouldn't have been in that position in the first place. I say that we shouldn't have but we was. Some ppl say it's not on you. I say that the type of player that I see myself as. It was on me. Some ppl say what happened last night is going to break me. I say it was the best possible thing that could've ever happened!… It's a long series. Things has just begun! What ppl say and what God has planned NEVER line up. #AWoundedAnimalisTheMostDangerous #WhatDoesntKillYouMakesYouStronger #AllPartOfGodsPlans_x1f64f__x1f3fe_

A photo posted by Al'lonzo Coleman (@bigzo34) on



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